Some other projects where I contributed to the construction of prototypes
I consider myself a conceptual designer and feel most at ease in the earlier stages of the design process. I see design as a method or tool to establish core ideas, communicate thoughts, and create discussions with the target audience on related visions. To achieve this, I experienced that it is crucial to develop skills and techniques that enable me to do that in an evident and comprehensible way. As a result, I began dwelling on woodworking techniques and became competent in using woodworking machineries such as cutting and milling equipment. This allowed for aesthetically appealing prototypes that coherently convey the core concept or functionality of the product. Yet, despite the progress in my prototyping skills, I never felt at home developing and integrating technology that allowed for an interactive and automated design. Even though the courses Creative Programming, Creative Electronics, and Engineering Design had given me the necessary knowledge, bringing my competence in technology and electronics to the next level has not been a priority during my studies. Yet, what I experienced during my FBP is that it can be extremely valuable when exhibiting a speculative design as it contributes to the comprehensibility majorly. That being said, I devoted much energy during my FBP integrating mechanisms that demonstrate new methods and technology that can be helpful in making wool a durable and sustainable product.
Other activities that contributed to my development
Prototyping. Design projects: Project 1, Project 2, project 3. USE course: Innovation by Design. Major course: Aesthetics of Interaction, User-centered Design.
Technology. Design projects: Project 1, Project 2. Major course: Creative Electronics, Engineering Design.
Demonstrating the use of existing technologies in new configurations was extremely important for the presentation of WoolWorks. This allowed for a comprehensible, and even more important, a believable story during the presentation of WoolWorks. To achieve this, I devoted much time to implementing electronics that demonstrate the technology and the corresponding interactions as detailed as possible. While I did not manage to implement real ultrasonic technology as this was too expensive, I did incorporate electronics such as LED strips to give feedback, vibrations motors to illustrate ultrasonic cleaning, and a button to start the program.